business's incorrect VAT assessment

VAT assessment

When a business comes to us with a concern that their VAT Assessment is incorrect, our experts are able review and investigate the assessment to make sure that their business is not paying too much VAT. In this case study our client supplies engineering services to the building trade.

Our client to us due to an HMRC enquiry which had resulted in a VAT assessment arising from the incorrect Flat Rate Scheme percentage being applied. The VAT flat rate varies for different types of businesses and industries, so by coming to team, the client was able to verify the assessment.

We reviewed the case and spoke to the client to understand their business and their operations. We investigated the original assessment by HRMC which brought a VAT assessment to approximately £11,000. Our team who specialise in VAT for business were able to reduce the VAT down to £5,657 by presenting a successful case for a lower Flat Rate trade classification which was accurate for their type of business.


We were able to successfully argue that penalties and interest were not appropriate in this case. By seeking help from the team, our client were able to receive the correct VAT flat rate as the classification depends on your business type.

Make sure that your business is receiving the right VAT flat rate by taking advice today.