Case studies

A collection of our client case studies showing the value of expert input and review to your VAT challenges.

VAT treatment of membership error

A large animal welfare and conservational wildlife charity had recently been told by its auditors that it had got the VAT treatment of its membership packages wrong, resulting in a six-figure liability due to HMRC. We were approached by the charity to provide a second opinion as well as helping identify any ways the liability (both historic and future could

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business's incorrect VAT assessment

VAT assessment

A business came to us with a concern that their VAT Assessment is incorrect. We reviewed and were able to argue that penalties and interest were not appropriate.

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Luxury car travel business VAT registration issue

VAT registration

Our client in the luxury travel industry mistakenly believed they didn’t need to be VAT registered and a hefty penalty was issued. 

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Vat exposure for animal charity

VAT accounting exposure

Auditors of an animal welfare charity identified an historic VAT accounting issue and by seeking a second opinion from us the charity saved £75k.

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change of use to faith building

Change of use exposure

A faith based not for profit organisation came to us with a property VAT issue and our help avoided them having an unexpected £1.9million VAT cost.

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